My favorite Alco         
Ole GB&W 309 working eastword to Lafayette, Ind to pick up cars from the NS, Also got a cab ride on her that day, a year latter she would hit a broken rail and flip over into the ditch line and roll onto her cab roof, after that she was history
Date: 8/14/1997 Location: Lafayette, IN   Map Show Lafayette on a rail map Views: 3661 Collection Of:   Steven Kakoczki
Locomotives: KBSR 309(RS11)    Author:  Steven Kakoczki
My favorite Alco
Picture Categories: Action This picture is part of album:  BRC ALCOS
User Comments
Name Type Comments Date
T. Man General That sure was a good engine, my grandpa ran that engine well over a 1000 times on the GBW. It was his favorite unit. 5/9/2007 9:18:44 AM
Steven Kakoczki General It was mine photograph...nicest RS-11 ever! 5/10/2007 12:03:13 AM
Austin Sasse General Was the GP16 lettered PERX or KJRY.................the numbers are 1606 and 1616 8/10/2007 11:30:04 AM
Steven Kakoczki General The GP-16 was lettered Prex, oh this photo was rejected by 8/11/2007 1:51:13 AM
Virgil Fitzpatrick General When does Railpics EVER know a good picture when they see it. 12/14/2007 5:29:04 PM
Tony Held General This shot is excellent! Railpics is a stuck-up elitest group, while this site rules. Again, good shot. Viva Alcos! 2/5/2008 10:28:56 PM
Atlanta Rails General grassy shortline tracks and alcos, doesnt get any better! Sucks that RP rejected, it its a great photo, i think mabye cloning out the dust spots in the sky would get it accepted. 4/5/2008 4:42:00 PM
Jim Bruce General Great Shot and YES You guys ARE Right are Bastard Photo Nazis and they would'nt know a Good shot if it bit em' on the @ss ! 4/19/2008 12:47:26 PM
Alex Vaughn General Nice shot. 7/21/2008 6:55:46 PM
Jim Gavin General Great shot!! 11/19/2008 9:04:54 AM
William H. Davis Jr. General Excellent shot 10/7/2009 5:32:17 PM
Charlie Wood General What a sad, terrible fate. Great shot though! You documented her well! 6/17/2010 8:53:10 PM
willis ford General Hey guys love the photos on here even if they are bad photos, because they are pictures of places and things we may never see ourselves. Also keep the great old pics and the abandon rail pics to keep history alive. 2/12/2011 7:34:05 PM
Fred Stuckmann General Great shot Steven, I don't worry about that other site. I was never white collar. This site suits me just fine, lot's of great shots and people. Thanks to all. 7/8/2011 10:41:23 PM
George Sillett General Very Nice! now I know never to get an account with railpics. rrpicturearchives rocks!!! 8/14/2011 11:54:45 AM
Dave Curtis General Great photo, great locomotive! Sorry to hear about its demise. :( 9/25/2011 8:29:03 PM
John Danielson General Wonderful shot! 10/1/2011 11:27:07 PM
Fred Stuckmann General Homepage, still cool too. 4/5/2012 4:27:21 PM
Jim Dodds General Classic power on an old branch line. Really feel the nostalgia on this one. Love it! Seen on the homepage! 8/3/2014 9:10:06 PM
Mike Maskel General NICE SHOT AND CATCH 8/6/2014 10:16:13 PM
Will Dow General WOW! 3/27/2015 8:39:42 PM
Aaron Willard General She is still generating good comments. Thanks. 12/23/2015 5:57:59 PM
Dan L General Great composition! 12/21/2016 7:45:57 PM
Scott Crotwell General Terrific action shot! 10/10/2021 7:37:02 PM
Rev. Jonathan Spurlock General Just saw this one this evening on the homepage and I agree with every comment. To add to what Willis Ford said, even a bad picture of something is better than no picture at all. 2/5/2024 8:19:02 PM
Matthew Zisi General I think it's a great shot, and the story makes it even better! Homepage 6/28/24! 6/28/2024 6:38:02 AM
Tom Beckett General Great shot of a now long gone diesel-that was already on borrowed time when the photo was taken. To echo what others have said, I don't get Railpictures. A friend posts on there from time to time, he's had some shots rejected that were perfectly fine. Don't understand their reasoning. They must be AFU'd if the likes of George Sillett won't post there. RRPA proves something I've suspected for a long time, that there is an awesome collection of rail photography out there that would not see the light of day, but for a site like this. There aren't enough slide shows in the world to cover everything on here. And yes, a sahot you thought was so-so, or maybe not all that hot at the time, can look like gold with 30 years distance. Home page 07-06-2024. Nicely done. 7/6/2024 5:27:36 AM

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